
What our customers write about us



Roxy is super committed to help others into being healthier and stronger. She did it for herself first, now she is sharing with everyone her experience.

Claudia R.


I've been working with Roxy for approximately 6 months on changing my habits towards healthy nutrition and healthy living. She has helped me make the connection between a healthy lifestyle, making healthy choices and feeling more energetic every day. It is so easy to give up but with her suport it is hard not to do a good job and stick to your guns. Thank you Roxy and keep up the good work!

Diana F.


2020 was a challenging year for me at so many levels. But for me it was the year when I started to take better care of myself and transform physically and mentally. With the support of a positive community full of beautiful people with same goals, my personal coach that motivated me and guided me step by step, I learned to change my eating habits, to be positive although I had been crazy busy, and the times were not the most favorable. I want to thank you to all that cheered for me, my friend and my personal coach and our online community where we engaged in a healthy and positive challenge. In 2021 I continue on this journey even more motivated to get better. πŸ˜πŸ™The best is yet to come.πŸ™Œ

Simona M 


Roxy is a very knowledgeable coach. She is warm, full of energy and always with a great smile. Roxy treats you like a friend not a client and she is always there when you have a question. Personally, she made me understand why my body reacts in certain ways during the changes in diet, exercise and how everything really is 80% in the kitchen and 20% exercise. I have seen other coaches before, but she is the first to encourage me to do something about my well being with just her own example, awesome live feedbacks and great attitude.

Catalina T.


For a long time I wanted to make this change, but I was not motivated enough. As I got older and in weight, I would have been forced to change something. You helped me understand some mechanisms of fattening, I feel much better and I am very grateful. I would recommend the younger ones to make this choice sooner, because the most important thing is health.



First of all, Roxy treats you like a friend not a client. Takes time to understand you and your behaviors', and is not all about a commercial deal. Personally, she made me understand what changes should I start with, and is monitoring the changes and the results. I have been seeing other coaches but she is the first to make me do something about my well being. Highly recommend!